Aug 10, 2013

Bread Baked in a Can

Bread baked in a can

Bread Baked in a Can

four cups white flour
four cups whole wheat flour
four cups warm water
1 tbsp dried yeast
1 tbsp salt
1/2 cup sugar
3 one pound coffee cans, or other non-lined metal cans of approximate size

Mix all the dry ingredients with half the flour, then add the water. To this semi-liquid mix, add one cup of flour at a time, beating it in well. You may not be able to use the full eight cups; that’s OK.

You don’t knead this bread, just let it rise to double in bulk once in the mixing bowl, followed by one rising in the coffee cans. Fill the cans halfway or just a bit more, then bake them at 350 degrees for about an hour.

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