Mar 1, 2017

How my Lymphedema makes me feel

If pain had a face,
Then surely you'd see,
The demon that's living,
Inside of me.
The knotted and tangled,
Monster within,
The fire and brimstone,
From this pain that I'm in.
My struggles and misery,
From my daily climb,
My impossible searching,
For relief I can't find.
My hopes and my dreams,
They just fade away,
Because of the pain,
I suffer each day.
From pills to prayers,
In search of a cure,
But this body's still broken,
Only pain is for sure.
But, though pain is constant,
And so very real,
No one sees my struggle,
Of how it makes me feel.
The internal torture,
The guilt and remorse,
Pushing and pulling,
And smiles I must force.
So please do not judge me,
Or deny I'm in pain,
Because I'm not pretending,
I've nothing to gain.
Respect and compassion,
Will go a long way,
To make this life easier,
Get me through one more day.

By: Rhonda Law

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